The Baby Marketplace office and warehouse will be closed until August 4th. During this time the phones will be answered by voicemail. During this time, they ask that customers be a little patient with them and take advantage of their "I Am Patient" Sale.
- Use coupon code: IAmPatient to save 15% off all products, excluding bumGenius, in our store until August 3rd, 2009.
- Their fine print: one coupon per order; no rainchecks; no backdating of coupons; coupon not valid for e-certificates; offer excludes bumGenius products.
Additionally, they also have these special deals right now:
- Bamboo Baby AIO Diaper Sale - Save $5 on the Bamboo Baby AIO One Size Diaper 3-packs. Use code UseBamboo.
- Baby Gift Registry - If you are expecting, create a Baby Gift Registry and earn Registry Rewards. They'll send you a gift card valued at $10 for every $100 purchased from your registry!
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